
Beschen Immersion Experience – Nicaragua

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A Surf & Wellness Adventure

A one week experience that will take you on a journey of a lifetime. The art form of surfing is one of the most technically difficult sports in the world, which requires many other skills to really reach your true potential. Strength, Flexibility, Health, Focus and the ability to remain calm in critical ocean situations are just a few of the attributes required to becoming a competent surfer.

During this week, we will dive into these various aspects of learning through Yoga, Breath Work, Activations and Wing Work. Shane has coached many Pro’s, Guys, Girls, Kids and knows the importance of keeping learning light and fun while learning valuable technique and life skills. Getting better and improving your skill set is ultimately to create more fun!

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You will be surfing with Shane daily and every session will be filmed and reviewed after. This will give you the opportunity to get first hand knowledge of the ocean, reading line ups, wave selection and of course surfing technique. You will also learn about surfboard equipment and what is the best board for your skill level. This is a rare opportunity to get on demand knowledge and tips both in and out of the water.

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We believe what you put in your body has a dramatic effect on how you feel, and during these events, we will be eating well prepared, clean food that gives you energy and health benefits. We will be making special coffee’s , fresh juices, smoothies, Acai bowls , salads to go along with your fresh fish, chicken or grass fed beef. Vegan options available as well upon request.

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This is a type of body work technique that stems from the Ancient Chinese Art form of Chi Ne Tsang. This art form has played a massive role in allowing Shane to be pain free and limber into his older age. He has practiced this art form for 20 years and will share its benefits with you through giving you a private session during your stay. This unwinding technique has different affects on every individual but you will learn where your body’s challenges are and how you can help it let go of old injuries and emotions.

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What you do on land will directly help you in the water and during this week you will have the opportunity to learn warm up exercises, breath work and activations from Shane and also take Yoga and Barre classes from Sofia Beschen, who has been a certified instructor at Turtle Bay Resort for the last 10 years.

Strength and Flexibility play huge roles in surfing and day to day to life. You will have the opportunity to learn exercises, movements and poses that will help you feel better in and out of the water. Feeling good is what it’s all about! 


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  • Dates: August 17th – 24th
  • Airport Transportation in Air Conditioned Van with Cold Beverages
  • All Surfing Transportation Including Four Wheel Drive and Boat Charters
  • All Food and Beverages at the La Jolla Surf Resort (alcohol purchased separately)
    • Vegan Options Available at Every Meal
  • Photos and Videos of Your Surfing and Travels with Shane
  • Surfer Yoga and Flexibility Training Available at No Charge
  • Top-notch Surf boards and All Other Gear is Provided and Can Be Used Anytime.
  • Massages Available
  • Side Trips Available:
    • Sport Fishing
    • Stand Up Paddle Boarding
    • Horseback Riding
    • Golf at Guacalito
    • Spearfishing
    • Granada (Oldest Colonial Town in Central America)
    • Ometepe Volcano Island with Zipline
    • San Juan Del Sur Tour and Nightlife

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Cost: $2,250

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Set along the Emerald Coast of Nicaragua, La Jolla de Guasacate looks out on the shimmering blue ocean and mountain peaks in either direction, beckoning you to explore. Our spacious, comfortable accommodations are located in the most exclusive residential community in town, with private balconies or patios that let you take in breathtaking sunsets. Get in touch with local culture by stepping out and exploring nearby attractions. Surf  the waves at Popoyo Beach, sign up for our surf school, or take a dip in our refreshing outdoor pools. Perfect your warrior pose in our yoga studio, pamper yourself at the spa, or savor the locally sourced cuisine at our open air restaurant. Our resort is more than a place to rest your head, it’s an opportunity of a lifetime.



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